1.03.2024 by Digital Original Team

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General provision

In a world where digitalization reshapes the essence of artistic representation, the Digital Original (DO) Standard emerges as an innovative framework designed to transition physical artwork into the digital realm while preserving its originality, authenticity, and value. DO establishes a universal digital standard for representing physical artwork in the digital space, introducing a transformative paradigm in art collection and preservation.

The Digital Original (DO) Standard transforms art by seamlessly digitizing physical works while confidently preserving authenticity. It outlines fundamental principles and standards for digitization, placing a strong emphasis on transparency and the protection of intellectual property.

Key aspects include the utilization of Digital Light Capture Technology (DLCT) and licensing approaches.

The DO Standard provides essential and useful utilities such as the decentralized preservation of originality, authenticity, and a dedicated marketplace. The integration of blockchain technology and decentralized storage ensures the utmost security for DOs.

Principles of the DO Standard

This section clarifies the essential principles of the Digital Original (DO) Standard. We'll explore the equivalence between DO and Physical Original (PO), the prerequisites for DO creation, stringent photographic norms, and the comprehensive minting process. Each component solidifies the DO's authenticity, value, and quality, advancing our objective for a reliable, transparent, and consistent digital art market.

The DO Standard also emphasizes transparency and ensures that every aspect of the artwork's digitization is well-documented and verified. This offers collectors and art enthusiasts a reliable means of discerning the authenticity and provenance of digital art pieces, marking a new era in art collecting.

  1. Uniqueness Only one Digital Original can exist for each Physical Original to maintain exclusivity and value.
  2. Equivalence The DO Standard establishes a one-to-one correlation between a DO and its corresponding PO. Every artwork minted as a DO is directly linked to a single, unique physical work of art. This principle guarantees the exclusivity of each DO in the market.
  3. Quality To maintain a high level of accuracy in the representation of an artwork, the DO Standard mandates specific photographic standards. The image of the artwork must have a minimum resolution of 100 megapixels, and a color depth of 48-bit, and should be captured using Digital Light Capture Technology (DLCT). These stipulations ensure that the digital rendition of the artwork maintains the highest possible fidelity to its physical original.
  4. Authenticity **A DO is minted into the blockchain following thorough due diligence, ensuring that the artist and institution's rights are upheld, and the artwork's authenticity is verified. The artwork's ownership must be established, and its presence in the physical world must be verifiable. The process of creating a DO adheres to strict conditions to ensure both integrity and authenticity.
  5. Licensing **Anyone wishing to use the standard and its components, as well as provide services according to the values and rules of the standard, must be licensed to ensure the highest level of quality, reliability, trust, and safety for your audience.

Stakeholders and Ecosystem